Finsbury Leisure ladies group squash player invited to National Squash Centre in Manchester

One of the ladies from the Finsbury Leisure Centre Saturday ladies group was recently nominated by England Squash to go up to Manchester to take part in a “Squashgirlscan” campaign.
Husniye Akgogan has been coming to the Ladies Squash Saturday sessions regularly, and was invited to the National Squash Centre in Manchester after visiting the England Squash Facebook page.
Husniye tells us: “The idea is to get more women and girls, of all abilities of course playing squash.
I entered and said I was a complete beginner, I explained that I only really play at Finsbury Leisure Centre on Saturday mornings at that the coaching session only cost £5.05, making it accessible to everyone. I also explained that it was a fun way to keep fit.
I'm not sure how many people entered but, they invited me to the centre in Manchester. I was one of 12, there were ladies of all ages/abilities/walks of life which made the day quite interesting and I suppose that England Squash was looking for that, to get a good mix of abilities.”
Husniye even got to play on the incredible glass court, used for National and International squash tournaments, continuing:
“The day consisted of an introduction at 11am, an ice breaker session on court, lots of coaching ...including squash 57 (Racketball) coaching. We then broke for lunch at 1pm, and returned back on the courts at 2pm and continued with the drills, similar to our Saturday sessions. We were then individually called to take part in a recorded interview to be used as part of the campaign. It didn't take very long, and I just explained that I get group coaching at Finsbury Leisure Centre and that it’s a great way of keeping fit and meeting new people!”
“At the end we were gifted #squashgirlscan hoodies and an England squash goody bag. We then wore our jumpers and took lots of group pictures which will soon be released.
The England squash photographers took a few motion shots of court too.
I guess the idea behind it all is to increase publicity and attract newcomers to the sport. Very much like the #thisgirlcan campaign which encourages fitness in women.
The event ended at 3pm and we were told that the campaign would start early March.”
Finsbury Leisure Ladies Squash sessions are every Saturday from 10am to 12pm, all levels welcome.