Christmas Training & Message – ‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’

The final training sessions for our squads for 2017. A small contingent of dedicated bronze players travelled to Hanworth Air Park Leisure Centre and were lucky to have individual coaching sessions from Pál András and Julian Prow.
Our Silver squad saw a great turn out for those who travelled to Britannia leisure centre/ Britannia Squash Club with
Pál András and Martin Shippey for a gruelling session.
Tennis & Squash at Coolhurst hosted the Gold Training squad. Not sure how seriously our head coach Lucas Cannistraci was taken, but coach Ivy Dieltiens made sure that there was some serious training.
The Platinum players had a day out in West London Hammersmith playing at Charing Cross Sports Club. Great turn out from out top players, where they had a tough training sessions with Guido Lautaro Cannistraci and Lucas Cannistraci
It has been a great year for Middlesex in 2017 with more juniors than ever on the county squad, which shows that there is much determination from the players and parents to strengthen the squad and improve. Much credit should be given to our dedicated coaches. Bring on 2018.
Thanks again to all the clubs who have supported our juniors in 2017 and we look forward to working with you in 2018.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.