Middlesex Junior Squash Trials 2018

Middlesex Junior Squash held it annual trials this weekend Finchley Manor Tennis, Squash & Health Club and Charing Cross Sports Club inviting aspiring juniors from across the county to join the Middlesex Junior county program. A great chance for us to spot all the talent out there.
With over 35 youngsters attending FM and 15 at Charing Cross it certainly tells us that there are a lot of players who want to be part of the Middlesex squad and take their squash to the next level.
Our coaches Stephen Thompson, Lucas Cannistraci and Guido Lautaro Cannistraci had their work cut out juggling the players across the courts and making sure that everyone could showcase their talent.
Everyone worked so hard, and we will be letting everyone know how they got on over the next couple of days.