Dear Parent and Player,
We are pleased to announce the start of the county squash season for 2024/25 for all county players. Your son/daughter is being invited to register for the Middlesex County squad. Click here to register.
This provides:
- Up to 6x2hour squad training sessions per year with top nationally recognised coaches
- Free entry to the Middlesex Junior Leagues
- Eligibility to represent Middlesex at the England Squash Intercounty Championships and Grand Prix Tournaments
- Referee workshop, which all juniors are encouraged to attend.
The fees remain at £110pp (£100 each for siblings) and should be paid to Middlesex Junior Squash sort code: 20-91-79 account: 40337943.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ivy Dieltiens on admin@middlesexjuniorsquash.co.uk.
Marcus Yang – Junior County Chair
Ivy Dieltiens – Middlesex Junior Squash Administrator Middlesex Junior Squash Squad Registration
Important Information:
County Training
Exclusive to members of Middlesex Junior Squash, the county will run up to 6 x 2hour county training sessions over the season, with training sessions scheduled on Sundays. Each training session is at a different club (to be as fair as possible for all players). Players will need to register attendance and will be grouped accordingly. For dates and registration please click here.
Each player will be assigned a training group, based on their ability/squashlevels score, and not age.
Training groups comprise the following categories:
High Performance/Squashlevels >500: 3pm – 5pm
Advanced players, who qualify to play Silver, British Junior Open/Closed and English Junior Championships, and have intermediate ES Rankings
Advanced/Squashlevels 200 – 500: 1pm – 3pm
Players who are regularly playing tournaments and play more than twice a week
Intermediate/Squashlevels 100 – 200: 1pm – 3pm
Players who are starting to play more and progressing up the rankings
Development/Squashlevels <100 9am – 11am:
Entry level players into the county, who demonstrate basic technique and fitness skills
Each training session targets specialist physical, technical, tactical, and mental disciplines for the game. The sessions are also used to monitor individual progress, select team members, and rank players.
For full details of Middlesex and England Sanctioned events see our calendar here: https://middlesexjuniorsquash.co.uk/calendar-2/. Note: This calendar is updated regularly as information comes available.
Please ensure all training and competition dates have been diaries. Players will also be advised as more information comes available.Team Selection & Training
Teams will be selected to represent Middlesex at the following events:
- Intercounty Competition (ICC) – November: Stage 1 and March: Finals
- County B events
- Under 11s festival
Team players will be selected from Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze categories (not Development, except U11s tournaments).
Selection will be based on performance at county training, performance and England Squash (ES) Rankings.
Separate team training will be held up to 2 weeks before the Intercounty tournament which will focus on a match preparation and team building. Participation at these events and team training is by invitation only, at the discretion of the Head Coach.Intercounty Representation
In respect of the intercounty tournaments listed above, Middlesex will pay the county matches and court fees. Participants will be responsible for their own accommodation, lunch and travel costs.
Refereeing Workshop
A junior referring workshop will be held at the start of the season to deliver a comprehensive understanding of the rules of squash. Development, Bronze and Silver training groups are encouraged to attend. An online course is also on the England Squash website.
Training Kit & County T-Shirts
It is mandatory that all county players own a county t-shirt with the players name on it. The t-shirts must be worn to all training sessions and tournaments. Players who have white t-shirts from the previous season may use these. The Middlesex Junior Squash kit can be purchased from: www.iprosports.co.uk/club-zone/middlesex-junior-squash/. T-shirts and any additional hoodies must be purchased at parents’ own cost. Players are required to bring a racket, goggles, non-marking shoes and water to all training and tournaments. Any player without goggles will not be able to play.
England Squash Membership
All signed up county players must be England Squash members. If you are a member of a club, your club should have already registered you with England Squash. Please contact them in the first instance if you do not have this information or are not sure. If you are not a member of a club, you can purchase membership via www.englandsquash.com/membership.
Competition and Training Guidelines
England Squash Sanctioned Events are expected to commence from September 2022. Competition requirements will be communicated after this date. https://www.englandsquash.com/competitions/junior/sanctioned-competitions
The county will run a box-based league 3-4 times over the season. The event allows juniors to practise their game in a safe competitive environment under the supervision of a county coach. The leagues will target all training groups and run on Squash Levels so Middlesex Juniors can find and play other of a similar level. These results will be recorded and may be taken into account when selecting training groups/county teams etc.Talent Pathway – Weekly Training Programmes
Middlesex will run talent pathway programmes after school during term time and more focused camps during school holidays.
Each session is between 1 to 1.5 hours in duration, with a standard cost of £10/hr. These charges will apply if the full term is booked. If players wish to book week by week then the fees will be £15 for 1 hour or £20 for 1.5 hours, by agreement only. Refunds will only be applied if more than 2 two are missed due to injury or illness, and advance notice is given.
Each programme has been specially designed to target physical, tactical, technical disciplines to build national players. The programmes are located as follows, TBC and subject to agreement with the venue:
No. | Programme Name | Location | Day | Time | Coach |
1 | Junior Emerging Talent (JET) and Technical Acceleration (TAP) |
Cumberland Squash Club 25 Alvanley Gardens, West Hampstead, London NW61JD |
Saturday | 12.30 – 2pm Girls 2 – 3.30pm Boys 3.30 – 5pm TAP |
Ivy Dieltens Steve Thompson |
2 | Junior Emerging Talent (JET) |
Cumberland Squash Club 25 Alvanley Gardens, West Hampstead, London NW61JD |
Friday | 4.30pm – 6.30pm | Ivy Dieltens Steve Thompson |
3 | High Performance Coaching (HPC) Strictly Invitation only |
Coolhurst Squash Coolhurst Rd, Crouch End, London N8 8EY |
Wednesday | 5 – 6.30pm: lower group 6.30-8pm: higher group |
Paul Carter Lucas Cannistraci |
4 | Junior Emerging Talent (JET) and Technical Acceleration (TAP) |
Charing Cross Sports Club Aspenlea Rd, London W6 8LH |
Saturday | 10 – 11.30am (JET) 11.30 – 1pm (TAP) |
Zeki Muneeb |
5 | Junior Emerging Talent (JET), Technical Acceleration (TAP) & High performance (HPC) |
St Paul’s School Lonsdale Rd, London SW13 9JT |
Wednesday | 4.30- 5.30pm (JET) 5.30-6.30pm (TAP) 6.30 – 7.45pm (HPC) |
Juan Ramlill |
Code of Conduct
Our aim is to provide an environment where all those involved in squash (juniors, players and coaches, referees) are fully supported, treated fairly, with respect for each other and on an equal basis. We require all participants, parents, and coaches to adhere to the Middlesex Junior Squash code of conduct (http://middlesexjuniorsquash.co.uk/policies/) which lists out our expectations on behaviour.
Travel & What’s App Groups
Before county events, the coach or lead group member may set up a temporary what’s app group for parents and coaches to arrange lift shares, communicate start times, rendezvous points for the duration of the event only. If you do not want to participate in the what’s app group for tournaments, please let us know at the point of registration.
Middlesex Junior Squash relies heavily upon grants, memberships, sponsorship to keep everything running smoothly. We are looking for Tournament Sponsors and Partners to help fund the running of our activities. Please contact us if you would like to discuss sponsorship of the County and would like further information.
Parent Engagement
We are also keen to have as many parents as possible involved in all aspects of the county, from helping us run county competitions, to fund raising, marketing/PR/advertising and parent player liaison. Please contact us if you would like to be involved.
Middlesex Key Priorities
- Develop more national standard players across all age groups
- Increase the number of county juniors participating in England Squash Tournaments
- Increased county presence at Silver and Gold tournaments, England Junior Championships, British Junior Closed and Open and target top 10 positions in as many age categories
- Target wins in each age category at the Intercounty competition / under 11s /Grand Prix
- Increase county participation, particularly amongst girls, and boys and girls juniors under 11 years
- Build and maintain competitive strength developing all age groups, through county programmes across all points of the talent pathway
- Host monthly England Squash tournaments in Middlesex and a Silver or Gold Event in 2022/2023
- Continue to expand our talent pathway programmes creating key centres of excellence across the county and maintain affordable participation rates
- Create and maintain a high performing and active squash environment which allows all juniors to reach their potential
- All players, parents and coaches are required to exhibit high standards of conduct when representing the county at tournaments
- Maintain a fully inclusive, open and supportive culture for squash in Middlesex.