A Standout Performance for Middlesex Juniors at the British Junior Championships

After 4 days of intense competition at one of the biggest stages, 22 Middlesex Juniors competed with the nations best squash players
Key Headlines
BJC winner of Girls Under 13- Tala Abaza
Top 10 positions for Mohammed Abaza 3rd BU11,
James Carman 4th BU15, Margot Prow 5th GU19, Ben Harrison 7th BU17
22 Middlesex juniors participated - a record achievement in itself
Congratulations to all juniors who participated, to Lucas for coaching as many juniors as he could and to the rest of the coaching team under Paul Carter and Steve's leadership for creating the environment in such a short space of time to deliver these results.
Finally a warm welcome the Abaza's to Middlesex who will continue to play as many of the big tournaments as they can.