Middlesex/London Junior Gold 2022

Middlesex/London Junior Gold 2022 Wow what a weekend. Probably the hottest tournament ever in the England Squash junior squash calendar. 280 players from across the UK made their way down to London to take part in this momentous event. With over 600 matches played across our 4 venues: Cumberland Lawn Tennis Club, Finchley Manor Tennis, Squash & Health Club, Coolhurst LTC and Southgate Squash & Racketball Club (Walker Cricket Ground). A huge thanks to these 4 clubs who providing great venues and settings to host the players, and for providing good food throughout the event. We are so proud of these venues, who are instrumental in being part of the Middlesex Junior Squash programme, and so endlessly supportive. It was hot hot hot. Well done to the players to played through the temperatures and kept their cool. We are so proud of the Middlesex team who put in the hard work to make sure that this event was a success. Vickie Prow for all the heaving lifting organising the event and managing the Coolhurst desk, Judy Williams for running the desk at Cumberland, Brendon Mounter and Ivy Dieltiens who were the strong team at Southgate, and Tim Taylor and his family with our outgoing Chair Sharon Virdi. Thanks to Nick healy and his team for the videoing and commentary. FABULOUS!!! Thanks to all those who took part and came to our fantastic exhibition match. Huge thanks to Jas Hutton and Gina Kennedy for making it a fantastic evening. Here at Middlesex Junior Squash we are pleased to be coming to the end of the season, but really looking forward to 2022/23. Role of Honour (Winners & Runner-Ups) GU11s: Emily Senior & Eliza Hales BU11s: Euan Thomson & Finlay Brown GU13s: Ameerah Ismail & Phoebe Griffiths BU13s: Zack Greengrass & Zack Paton GU15s: Tolisah Warnakulasooria & Judy Galal BU15s: Ronnie Hickling & Indie Flint GU17s: Emily Coulcher-Porter & Oliva Owens BU17s: Jamie Brown & Billy Whalley GU19s: Rachel Harris & Layla Johnson BU19s: George Porter & Christopher Chak